What I really want from beam

Good day…

Those reading this likely already know how great beam is! Not just randomly saying this, I seem to be thinking more and more about beam lately and the things I personally want instead of second guessing what others want. As someone that takes trading relatively seriously, I can say trying to second guess others is a bad game.

Anyway, back to what I want. I mostly trade two platforms, Thorchain and Decred’s Bison Wallet. I have test run the beam dex and I really appreciate what has been built, but getting beam onto those two platforms (TC and bison wallet) would take things to a whole new level for me. The liquidity on beam dex is not good and I am working on boosting it but, look, I don’t know if it is at all possible, but if someone here could get beam on bison wallet as a native asset (i.e. built in full node, not RPC) then that’s going to make my day.

What do you think?


I’ll have to check this, but AFAIK Thorchain isn’t easy because the nodes have to vote on accepting it. Someone suggested Decred’s Bison Wallet before and it sounds like a good idea.

I should probably clarify. TC itself can be selective / conservative in what it adds, however, Maya Protocol has previously said it is open to privacy chains and they tend to accept things that TC rejects.

When looking at Bison Wallet, notice how litecoin is native (easy setup) whereas others connect to RPC nodes (not so user friendly). I suggest a native implementation to increase likelihood of participation.

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I think we might not want to touch TC, given that it’s insolvent and has halted ThorFi services.
Maya and Bison are a better idea.

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Yes No. TC swaps are still working fine, it’s the defi side that is broken / insolvent and, even then not entirely collapsed.

This is not their first crisis, this time it’s an entirely different problem. Their last recovery was quite remarkable and essentially re-built from the ground up. The wallet side is self-custodial. I suspect they have both the technical know how and motivation to recover. But who know, am just saying.

In any event, I would be excited to see beam on bison wallet. The design is highly flexible, allowing each chain / wallet to implement whatever feature they want.