Beam Anonymous Name Service UX Improvement Suggestion

The search being on top is a little confusing (it’s the first thing people see and will focus on when trying to do anything, even sending to a bans which is not done via that search but instead done with the or send fund to bans below it). Like this is nitpicky but the UX should help folks understand how it works and perhaps be just 4 header menus, Buy, Manage, Send, Withdraw. That organizes people’s minds into how it works. The buy page that existing search is already built for (can even show listings people aren’t specifically searching for). The manage page is already built it’s just very small right now in the top right and will take people time and energy and frustration to figure out. Same with send. Same with transactions (and of particular note! withdraw is hidden in there when people might just think that’s a history and take many clicks to find it, or think that BANS sends automatically get to their wallet without having to withdraw). Also like I’ve suggested before, a description of how it works should be in the dapp behind a question mark if it’s a desktop dapp ideally, shouldn’t have to rely on an external link and then navigating that link for to read a full page about it, and which may leak IP or may be down at the time or is an extra browser load or whatever). Again, great stuff, just suggestions