On March 2023, in Epoch 18, the BeamX DAO voted positively to allocate 12% of the total supply of BEAMX (which corresponds to one third of its “Liquidity Providing Allocation” pool) towards a 2-year Liquidity Mining program over some key DEX liquidity pools and over the Nephrite stability pool.
The first vote approved the distribution of 6,000,000 BEAMX (6% of the total supply) to “support ongoing liquidity over a set of pools chosen by the DAO. Proposed set of pools will include BEAM/BEAMX pool as well as BEAM/NPH (Nephrite Stable Coin) and BEAMX/NPH pools”.
The second vote approved the allocation of additional 6,000,000 BEAMX (6% of the total supply) to “Nephrite LPs” and to “distribute these tokens to its Stability Pool depositors for 24 months.”
The first vote also acknowledged the “Early Bird” bonus for those who provided liquidity to the BEAM/BEAMX pool during the Price Discovery and Liquidity Accumulation phases (i.e. before the release of the DEX).
As of today (September 18th, 2023 UTC), the rewarding system has been implemented in the Nephrite DApp. On the DEX side, all the 6,000,000 BEAMX were initially allocated to the BEAM/BEAMX pool only (with a rewarded locking mechanism). On August 23rd, 2023, one third of these rewards were then reallocated to the BEAM/NPH pool with a similar locking mechanism (although, as of now, the implementation done on the smart contracts has not yet been echoed in the “Liquidity Mining” DApp GUI).
Now, the present proposal suggests a new vote in order to refine the list of pools towards which this Liquidity Mining program is applied.
Remark 1:
It is important to note that none of the two past votes constrained to a definitive determination on this matter:
- The first vote did “not detail the specific farming percentage each DAO pool will receive”, and it opened the door to adjustments as “The DAO will periodically review the effectiveness of the farming rewards and make necessary adjustments”, and also as “The exact distribution of the farming rewards within the proposed amount of BeamX allocation within this proposal may be changed in the future according to DAO voting to keep the ecosystem alive and healthy.”
- The second vote indicated that the BeamX shall be allocated to “Nephrite LPs” and “will only go toward LPs to make Nephrite more stable” (and we can consider that both the DEX BEAM/NPH pool and the Nephrite Stability pool are “LPs” and both contribute to the overall stability of Nephrite).
Remark 2:
- This proposal (and its earlier versions) was initially posted and discussed in Beam Community’s Telegram channel ( Many of the points raised here come from these discussions.
- Also, a quick opinion poll was made there (, which -as of today- has 36 votes and shows that about 61% agree with the idea of the proposal, 11% don’t agree and 28% don’t really care.
The main objective of the reallocation proposed here below is to achieve a more efficient distribution of the DAO rewards by applying it over a larger set of key liquidity pools.
In particular, the proposed distribution aims at balancing incentives to strengthen internal pools of the Beam ecosystem (such as the BEAM/BEAMX pool, or the Nephrite stability pool) while also instigating the intake of external liquidity (by rewarding some key DEX pools linked to the Ethereum-to-Beam bridge, such as BEAM/bETH and BEAM/bUSDT).
This last point should lead to increased liquidity in two DEX pools that allow the acquisition of BEAM by newcomers, without their depending on the listing of Beam in centralized Exchanges.
In the frame of the on-going Liquidity Mining program, it is proposed to redistribute the rewards allocated by the first two votes in the following way (for the remaining rewards available over the initial 12,000,000 BeamX, and for the remaining period of the 2 years):
- 1/6 for the BEAM/BEAMX pool (reduction from the current 2/6)
- 1/6 for the BEAM/NPH pool (as recently implemented)
- Nothing for the BEAMX/NPH pool (as the two above already cover that)
- 2/6 for the Nephrite Stability pool (reduction from the current 3/6)
- 1/6 for the BEAM/bETH pool (to incentivize external liquidity)
- 1/6 for the BEAM/bUSDT pool (to incentivize external liquidity)
- The above proposal allocates half of the total rewards to NPH-related pools, thus remaining consistent with the decisions taken in past votes.
- It also maintain rewards to two of the three DEX pools cited in the first vote: BEAM/BEAMX, BEAM/NPH and BEAMX/NPH (this third one being somehow “redundant” with the two others).
- The Early Bird bonus mechanism is not affected and remains in place for the BEAM/BEAMX pool.
- The same locking mechanism is expected to be applied to all the rewarded DEX pools.
- The DEX pools considered above are the ones which currently have the most liquidity, which are the ones with 1% fee tier.
- The proposed distribution maintains incentives in line with the first two votes, by still rewarding strong pools of key internal assets such as BEAM, BEAMX and NPH.
- In parallel, rewarding DEX pools related to the bridged ETH and USDT will help increase their liquidity, thus bringing more external value into the Beam ecosystem.
- Stronger BEAM/bETH and BEAM/bUSDT pools will also serve as on-ramp for newcomers wishing to acquire BEAM in a decentralized and confidential manner, thus relieving Beam from the dependence on centralized exchanges.
- With a wider set of options to provide liquidity and receive fees and rewards for it, the proposed distribution enriches Beam’s DeFi ecosystem with more yield streams and thus increases the overall value proposition of the ecosystem.
Collateral advantages:
- Having this vote now, will help keep the DAO active, and will demonstrate its capacity to evolve and adapt. This is particularly important as we enter the last phases of the transition from the Beam Foundation governance into the BeamX DAO governance.
- This vote will also promote the utility of BeamX as “voting power”, and will probably help increase its value as people might want to buy it now to weight more on the vote.
- Through the discussions and the vote itself, this operation promotes participation and engagement in the DAO, thus strengthening its functioning.
- The vote is also an opportunity to communicate and Tweet about it, and to promote not only the on-going transition towards a DAO governance, but also the lively and rewarding DeFi options currently available in Beam ecosystem.
- Based on the first vote, some BEAM and BEAMX are already locked through the “Liquidity Mining” DApp, and thus will not be available to weight on this new vote.
- The new distribution will decrease the amount of rewards provided specifically for these locked assets (although we could argue that it will be putting those rewards back to what was initially supposed to be, i.e. one third of the allocated 6,000,000 BEAMX). However, it is expected that this new distribution will help increase the overall value of Beam, thus also increasing the value of BeamX.
- The new distribution also decreases the rewards allocated to the Nephrite Stability pool, where important amounts of NPH have already been provided. However, this liquidity is not locked and it can easily be reallocated to other pools at almost no cost. Moreover, It should be noted that within the new distribution the Nephrite Stability pool still remains the one with the higher share of reward allocation.
- Beam currently suffers from a very low market cap and it might be risky to dilute too much its liquidity by incentivizing too many pools. However, it is one of the main objectives of this new distribution (with rewards to pools of bridged assets) to help bring more liquidity into the ecosystem.
- For its assets to be rewarded with BEAMX, the Bridge DApp should probably be considered as a “BeamX DAO DApp”. Is it the case? If not, should it be included within this vote (as it was done for Nephrite)?
Text of the vote
(The exact text for the vote will be proposed here after final discussions about the proposal)