[Vote proposal] Redistribution of the BeamX allocated to the Liquidity Mining program

All of the Cosmos ecosystem uses Commonwealth to list their proposal “proposal” but typically limit the discussion to 7-14 days before it gets put on chain for a vote if there is no overwhelming majority against it on Commonwealth.

I do agree that we should focus on promoting Nephrite as much as possible. It is a gem of a token (excuse the pun). I thought about this a little longer and maybe we should reward bETH and bwBTC instead of bUSDT because then there may be ETH supply on BEAM that people can use to bridge out and bitcoin is well bitcoin (although double wrapped) . Also, rewarding NPH instead of rewarding bUSDT makes more sense.

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You are very right on the importance of ETH and BTC over USDT. And of course on the importance of NPH over USDT.

However, our priority today is to ease the on-boarding into Beam. Beam price is currently way too low. We need to make it easy for newcomers to buy Beam.

To buy Beam in Beam DEX, a pair with ETH or BTC is certainly the way for crypto OGs. But for newer users, a pair with USDT makes more sense (note that USDT pairs are also the ones most used on CEXs, for similar reasons).

Ideally we could try to reward those three pairs, but it would dilute even more the rewards. That’s why the proposal focuses first on adding rewards to ETH and USDT pairs (and on ETH rather than WBTC just because we are talking about tokens bridged from Ethereum, so it makes sense to support ETH pair).

Also, remember that we are talking here about a liquidity rewarding campaign that will only last one year. It’s a relatively short-term operation.

Lastly, you can also note that even within the new proposed reward distribution, the Nephrite stability pool remains the most rewarded (double than any other pool). So we keep supporting a strong Nephrite token.

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Any progress on this? It has been two months. Hoping to see a vote on it soon.

No update at the moment